Eddie Marsan

  1. Choose or Die (2022)
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    Choose or Die (2022) Drama, Horror 
    In pursuit of an unclaimed $125,000 prize, a broke college dropout decides to play an obscure, 1980s survival computer game. But the game curses her, and she’s faced with dangerous choices and reality-warping challenges. After a series of unexpectedly terrifying moments, she realizes she’s no longer playing for the money but for her life.
    • 2022
    • 400
    • 0
    The Contractor (2022)
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    The Contractor (2022) Action, Movies 
    After being involuntarily discharged from the U.S. Special Forces, James Harper decides to support his family by joining a private contracting organization alongside his best friend and under the command of a fellow veteran. Overseas on a covert mission, Harper must evade those trying to kill him while making his way back home.
    • 2022
    • ABD
    • IMDb 5.3
    • 437
    • 1
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