Kôkaku kidôtai SAC_2045 Jizoku kanô sensô

Kôkaku kidôtai SAC_2045 Jizoku kanô sensô

 Duration: 118 minute



Following the Synchronized Global Default in 2044, the Sustainable War became the only way for the G4 nations to keep their economies functional. The Default also had the side-effect of creating countless destitute raiders, who risked their lives amid the Sustainable War to eke out a living or wreak vengeance against those whom they blamed for their poverty, the "one-percenter" elites who continued enriching themselves through the war.

In 2045, the mercenary unit GHOST was hired to guard a city in California from raider attacks. GHOST was formed by Motoko Kusanagi and other members of the former Section 9 as a way to continue using their military skills to make a living through the Sustainable War after Section 9 was disbanded.





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